Special Events List


  • 500 Years of Christiantianity in the Philippines - Hawaii Celebration. Two eight-minute videos. Mass of Thanksgiving at Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace in Honolulu on March 16, 2021 @ 6:00 PM

    Part 1 - Priests & Deacons:

    Part 2 - Religious Sisters:

  • Mackey Lecture – October 11 , 2020 (If scheduled time becomes available, it will be posted)

    Fr. Alapaki Kim

    “Racism in Hawaiʻi: A Faith Response”



    Fr. Alapaki Kim is a Native Hawaiʻian priest of the Catholic Diocese of Honolulu and the pastor of St. Ritaʻs Church in Nanakuli.  Fr. “Paki” is noted for his expertise on Hawaiʻian culture and practices.  He has dedicated his life to bringing together Hawaiʻian and Catholic spirituality.  His parish in Nanakuli is on Hawaiʻian Homelands.  Many of the Sunday liturgies at St. Ritaʻs are bilingual in Hawaiʻian and English.

    Fr. Paki will shed light on understanding many of the unique aspects of racism in Hawaiʻi.  In this recorded Zoom presentation he will take questions from guest participants after he makes his 20 minute introductory presentation.  The recorded video presentation will premiere on Youtube on October 11, 2020 on the “Marianist Center of Hawaiʻi” channel.


29 - 31 March (Weds-Fri)
7:00 - 9:00 PM

1 April (Sat)
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
5:00 PM Mass

 2 April (Sun)
10:45 AM - 2:00 PM


  • Assisted Suicide Infographic (2 pages & letter)



Thank you for your participation in Bishop Larry’s Anti-Assisted Suicide Campaign as requested in his letter of January 31, 2017.

From the October Mass Count for the entire Diocese, figures show about 43,280 adults attend Mass regularly.  The total petitions received to date are 5,443. We are confident that SB1129 Medical Aid in Dying can be defeated by Catholic voices through the petition process. Therefore, in a spirit of Catholic unity throughout the Diocese, the Hawaii Catholic Conference has decided to have one final push this weekend, March 18-19, to significantly increase the number of petitions from all parishes. The SB1129 bill can pop anytime in the House Health Committee. We expect this to happen sometime next week. We have to be ready and need your support: 

  1. Posters. By Fri., March 17, all Oahu parishes will be delivered 2 posters.   Neighbor lsland Pastors:  A poster file is attached for your perusal.  Place posters side-by-side in an area of the church visible to parishioners entering and exiting Mass.  
  1. Pray unceasingly.
    Ask your parish, including the homebound, to pray earnestly for the defeat of the bill and for protection of all life from conception to naturalend. 
  1. Collect petitions at all Masses. Please once again direct parishioners who have not already signed to the petition sheets.  Best method to increase participation:  Place petitions on both ends of all pews.  Have volunteers collect them prior to the conclusion of Mass. 
  1. Fax or E-mail final petitions to HCC on Monday, March 20.
    Fax:  261-7022  E-mail:  hcc@rcchawaii.org 
  1. Oahu ParishesRecruit at least 2-3 parish members (more are welcome) to visit legislators on Capitol Day, Thurs., March 23.
    Highly recommended:  Pastors lead their faith delegation.  For information on Capitol Day, go to:  https://www.hawaiifamilyforum.org/capitol-day/
    Submit names of parish delegates and T-shirt size to pvernay@rcchawaii.org; phone:  203-6722 by Wed., March 22.
    Neighbor Island Parishes - The Respect Life Office will select and contact a person to represent your vicariate and pay the cost of airfare to Honolulu for Capitol Day, including transportation to and from the airport. 

We are here to support you.  If you have any questions or if we can assist you in any way, please contact me at (808)203-6735or e-mail:  wyoshimitsu@rcchawaii.org

The Hawaii Catholic Conference encourages you and your parishioners to participate as Faithful Citizens in defeating this legislative bill that devalues life and, if it becomes law, clearly places Hawaii deeply into the pit of a Culture of Death.  

Thank you again for your leadership and your support!  

Walter Yoshimitsu
Hawaii Catholic Conference
St. Stephen Diocesan Center
6301 Pali Hwy.
Kaneohe, HI 96744
Phone:  (808) 203-6735
Fax:  (808) 261-7022
E-Mail:  wyoshimitsu@rcchawaii.org