Aloha e ku’u hoahanau / ‘ohana aloha nui ‘ia – May 12, 2024

Our Heartfelt Prayers and Condolences on the death of +Fr. Alapaki Kim.

Saint Rita Church, Nānākuli would like to express mahalo nui to the Co-Cathedral of St. Theresa for their ho'okipa (and anuenue) during the funeral services for +Fr. Alapaki.

Funeral service for +Fr. Alapaki

Perhaps many of you are already aware and informed of the death of our beloved former pastor +Fr. Alapaki Kim.

+Fr. Alapaki peacefully died in the Lord on Wednesday, May 8th on the Big Island. Though much sorrow and emptiness may be felt in our hearts we are consoled at his death because of our faith and the faith that +Fr. Alapaki lived and as a faithful priest who served the Lord well.

“He who sat on the throne said, I am making everything new.” Revelation 21:5

+Fr. Alapaki who lived in faith knew and held in his heart of the promise of the resurrection and thus despite his grave illness was always strong in faith and never lost the sight of the love of God. Truly we all, especially in St. Rita Parish was blessed by his 25 years of his faithful priesthood in service as a shepherd in our parish.

“His master replied, well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s joy.” Matthew 25:23.

Let us keep +Fr. Alapaki in in our prayers as we remember his contagious smiles and his aloha. We pray; Eternal Rest Grant Unto +Fr. Alapaki O Lord, and Perpetual Light Shine Upon Him. May +Fr. Alapaki and all the souls of the faithful departed in the mercy of God, rest in peace, Amen.

I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.” John 11:25.



Aloha from Saint Rita Catholic Church, Nānākuli, Hawaii


Parish Mission Statement - "We, the people of God of St. Rita Parish in Nānākuli, are united in our belief and in our commitment to Jesus Christ. In the spirit of Aloha, we respond to Christ's mission of love and freedom with our care, concern and communal action. This is expressed in the stewardship of our treasure through tithing and in the gift of our time and talents through shared ministries.

As a fast growing rural parish with a large Hawaiian population we feel a special calling to stand together in truth and justice for the rights of the first people (kanaka maoli) of this land. As part of the universal Church, our outreach extends beyond our boundaries to the global community and we affirm the human dignity of all peoples.

As a parish family we enthusiastically participate in bringing about God's reign of peace. We continue to evangelize, welcome and invite all of God's people to St. Rita Parish."

Parish Values - With our deep roots as a mission church to Native Hawaiians, the modern parish community:

1. Expresses our faith in the use of 'olelo makuahine (the mother tongue -- the Hawaiian language) in addition to English in liturgy.

2. Expresses our worship through artistic traditions to include:
    a. Hula and oli as a sacred gesture
    b. Use of native implements including ipu hekeole, pu ili, uli uli, pahu in addition to guitar, drums and ukulele
    c. Use of native flowers and plants in church environment
    d. Use of koa and other native hardwoods in altar, tabernacle, crucifix, and sacred vessels
    e. Use of lei in liturgy (placing lei around the Book of the Gospels, placing lei around consecrated hosts and chalice)
    f. Congregational singing in English and Hawaiian languages using traditional Hawaiian melodies
    g. Use of Samoan fine mat when preparing the altar for Liturgy of the Eucharist

3. Support our church 'Ohana that are nurtured by and contribute to the larger community by incorporating all cultures and traditions into our expression of what it means to be the universal and Catholic church:
    a. Celebrate annual Misa de Gallo Christmas Novena
    b. Celebrate birthdays and wedding anniversaries through community blessing before Mass
    c. Welcome all visitors with lei greeting
    d. Extend our parish outreach to meet needs of the poor including maintaining our parish emergency food pantry and monthly "Feeding the Brethren" community hot dinners
    e. Maintain sister parish relationships with other parishes
    f. Encourage new parishioners to get actively involved in parish activities
    g. Support the Kupuna Project in services to our elderly 


Proposed future St. Rita Nānākuli church


Whatever you do in life, do for the glory of God


Most of us will probably never cure anyone from leprosy or any other disease. How, then, are we to imitate the Christ who worked such wonders? We are called to give glory to God by using our own gifts with courage and generosity, as Jesus did. We are called to seek not our “own benefit but that of the many.” risking our own pride, status, time, money, or pleasure for the common good. We are called to tell everyone the good news about what Christ does for us—and through us—every day. Then everything we do will be for the glory of God.

Mass Times & Confession

Saturday - 8 am & 5 pm
Sunday - 7 & 9 am, 5 pm
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, (no Thursday), Friday - 8 am

Confession: Saturdays 3:15 - 4:00 pm at St. Rita


Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 9 am - 4 pm (break for lunch at noon)

Food Bank Hours

Monday & Wednesday
9:30 am - 11 am


Saint Rita Nānākuli Catholic Church
89-318 Farrington Highway
Nānākuli, Hawaii  96792