
Next week (4/24 & 25) our Special Collection will be for the Diocesan Priest Retirement Fund. This is a different collection from the Religious Retirement Fund that is done each December. In concert with next weekend’s Good Shepherd Sunday, we are asked to prayerfully consider giving generously to this collection that will directly support our priests who are in their retirement years. They have given their lives shepherding our communities, and we pray that they are adequately cared for, in this next chapter of their lives. Please be generous! You can donate online: and also watch a short 2-minute video here:

To participate in the Virtual Gathering of the 500 Years of Christianity in the Philippines Hawaii Celebration on 24 April 2021, 10-11 AM, please send your request to participate to this email: indicating your name and your parish. A reply will follow with the link to the Virtual Gathering using Zoom.

Diocesan Newsletter dated August 31, 2020 from Bishop Silva regarding Census

Diocesan Newsletter dated May 22, 2020 from Bishop Silva regarding reopening of Churches

Holy Week at Home - Adaptations of the Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil, and Easter Sunday Rituals for Family and Household Prayer (15 pages)

Diocesan Newsletter from Bishop Silva containing live streaming mass schedule

Video links:

Saint Rita Catholic Church, Nānākuli, Hawaii YouTube Live Masses (10 am Sundays)

Hawaii Catholic Television (hictv)

Honolulu Cathedral Basilica (Facebook)

Covid-19, Cold & Flu Guidelines:

Coronavirus Prayer Booklet

Diocese of Honolulu Response to the Coronavirus (see 11/7/22 memo for Covid-19, Cold & Flu Guidelines)

Advance Healthcare Directive (Approved for use in the Catholic Diocese of Honolulu). Making your end-of-life decisions in advance (Hawaii Catholic Herald 8/7/19)

Diocese of Honolulu 2018 Lenten Regulations

Hawaii Catholic Herald

Zooming in on racism in Hawaii

Kalaupapa concert to be rebroadcast into the new year (2020/21)

Roman Catholic Church in Hawai'i

Baibala Hemolele

The Vatican

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Liturgical Calendar for the Dioceses of the USA 2020

Liturgical Calendar for the Dioceses of the USA 2021

Liturgical Calendar for the Dioceses of the USA 2022

Article in Catholic San Francisco regarding St. Rita Church, Nānākuli construction endeavors

Boundaries of the Leeward O'ahu Vicariate